
Chapter One :Chapter 1

In the observation room of the Dragon's Teeth Special Forces Squad in China, more than a dozen men in military uniforms were closely watching the big screen. Among them, there were several majors and lieutenant generals, as well as an old man who was a three-star general, standing in the very front, watching the screen, breathless.

"We have a signal," the technician shouted.

The entire room fell silent immediately. A man appeared on the screen, covered in blood, his hair disheveled, and his face stained with blood. The handsome contour of his face was still vaguely visible. Around his waist, a dagger was inserted - the distinctive weapon of the Dragon's Teeth.

In front of him were countless bodies. The man bent over, dragging the bodies out one by one, seven in total. The weapon in his hand was identical to the one around his waist.

A crisp sound of shattering filled the room, startling everyone present. The broken teacup was from the hand of the three-star general. His old face was full of rage, "Damn it, it was just a drug bust mission, and yet we lost seven members of Dragon's Teeth." The old man's face was filled with a glint of heartache as he spoke angrily.

"Tell the Dragonhead to get back here immediately. This operation is declared a failure, I hold the intelligence unit responsible and I want these bastards in military court." The old general declared harshly.

Many years had passed since these people had last seen the head of the Dragon's Teeth this angry, and the entire room fell deathly silent.

This indeed had been the most punishing operation the Dragon’s Teeth had undertaken since its establishment. Due to insufficient prior intelligence, it was believed to be a simple drug bust action; however, it turned out to be a conspiracy orchestrated by foreign forces against the Dragon's Teeth.

At this moment, the man on the screen was standing on the border between China and YN.

"Dragonhead, Dragonhead, please respond," the technician's voice echoed.

"Dragonhead here," the man's voice filled the room, heavy with an indescribable fatigue and hoarseness. His companions in strength and unity were now gone, several among them had been personally trained by him. A mere separation in strategy had led to such a disastrous outcome. The man's rage and regret were beyond words.

"Dragon’s Teeth orders that Dragonhead withdraw immediately. This operation is declared a failed mission," the technician spoke anxiously, revealing a touch of nervousness.

"Get lost," the old general swiped the technician aside irritably.

"You punk, get your ass back here immediately. There will be a team waiting for you," the old man watched as the figure on the screen deftly cleaned the bodies of his comrades. He delicately wiped the Dragon's Teeth dagger and his voice shook slightly as he gave his order.

"Old Chief, are you afraid that I might die?" The man smirked.

"Bastard, come back to me," the elder angrily declared.

"Do you remember, Old Commander, the mission of the Dragon's Fang? I do. It was my first time joining the Dragon's Fang when you told us, any who harm China, no matter how far away, shall be exterminated." The male spoke with a desolate smile.

"Those words are ingrained in every Dragon's Fang member's bones. Xiao Yun will bleed his last drop of blood for his country. Now, those who have infringed upon China's frontiers haven't yet surrendered. How could Xiao Yun simply return?"

"There are only Dragon's Fang members who die in battle, none who lose. The Dragon's Fang does not accept failure. Xiao Yun is still alive, so the Dragon's Fang has not lost. If Xiao Yun were to return now, those below would blame me.," Xiao Yun raised his head, gazing at the sky, his voice rough and desolate.

"Do you understand, fool, this is all a conspiracy, targeted at Dragon's Fang. You have failed, but it is not your fault. You need to survive and return," the elderly general bellowed into the microphone.

Hearing this, Xiao Yun faintly smiled, "Regardless, this debt needs to be paid." He spoke and then strode forward, already within YN territory.

Under the watchful gaze of many, Xiao Yun crumbled the communication system gently with his fingers.

The scene was dark, the elder general continued to roar weakly at the dark screen, like an injured wild beast, "This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy!"

The scene changed, within YN territory, a jungle acted as a natural border adjacent to China.

Following the enemy's footprints, Xiao Yun sprinted through the jungle. Xiao Yun, a member of Dragon’s Fang, had his unique way of tracking in the jungle.

Nearing, getting closer still, Xiao Yun’s gaze was deep, his brows were tightly knitted, he smelled the enemy's scent.

As the sky darkened and the sunset's glow dimmed, the birds returned to their nests. Finally, Xiao Yun laid eyes on the enemy, it was the fat fellow surrounded by people, the biggest drug trafficker in the territory, precisely one of Xiao Yun's current missions.

Xiao Yun had cut off all his routes of retreat. At present, his mind was filled with only two thoughts— Dragon's Fang's mission, and his comrade's blood feud.

"Kill," Xiao Yun drew his dagger and in a low voice he fell upon the enemy. The dagger in his hand, like a striking swan, slit the enemy's throat. Each flash of the blade meant a life extinguished.

They say kill one person every ten steps, for a thousand miles, without lingering. Then Xiao Yun was the embodiment of that. He was killing one person with each step, during every stride, with every swing of his wrist, a new life was extinguished.

Xiao Yun had already reached the realm of immense power, a class that could be considered heavenly. Had this not been the case, Xiao Yun certainly wouldn't have parted from his comrades to act alone. However, he didn't expect this decision to result in the deaths of his companions. If he hadn't separated from them, things wouldn't have turned out this way.

These barely human-level weaklings were no match for Xiao Yun.

The fight lasted a quarter of an hour from start to finish. Xiao Yun fixed his gaze on the fat man standing opposite him, the corner of his mouth curling into a savage grin.

The fat man looked at Xiao Yun with an expression of sheer fright. "Don't kill me. Whatever you want, I can give you. I promise you won't need anything else in your lifetime. Otherwise, you could assist me. Name your price—money, women, I can give you anything." Seeing Xiao Yun silent, he urged him on in a somewhat excited tone.

"Your things are too filthy. I don't want them," Xiao Yun replied, lightly shaking his head toward the fat man. "It's a pity that a guy like you has caused me to lose seven of my comrades." Xiao Yun gazed at the fat man and made a malicious smile.

"I just want to take your head back with me," Xiao Yun sneered coldly.

"If you kill me, you can't get out of this jungle either. I've already put out a bounty on you before entering. The mercenaries and assassins hiding here won't let you go. Plus, don't forget this is YN territory. I informed the border troops when I arrived. Do you think you can escape from this jungle with incessant assassins, mercenaries, and the military hunting you down?" The fat man hurled a vicious look at Xiao Yun.

"Follow me, it's the only way you can survive. You're still young and shouldn't throw your life away," the fat man stressed to Xiao Yun.

"Do you know? Tempting a Dragon Tooth member to betray is the stupidest thing one could do in this world. Today, you're doomed," Xiao Yun spoke coldly, staring at the chubby man.

"Are you really going to kill me?" the fat man looked at Xiao Yun.

"You must die." Xiao Yun stared at the chubby man, smirked coldly, and with a swift sweep of his Dragon Tooth blade, the man collapsed to the ground, twitching a few times before he gasped his last breath.

"Such a death, too merciful for you," Xiao Yun muttered, ruthlessly decapitating the man.

Holding the severed head in his hand, Xiao Yun curled up the corners of his mouth, visibly relieved. He leaned against a large tree, ate some dried food, drank some water, and gently closed his eyes. There was no reason for the fat man to lie to him before his death. Therefore, to leave this jungle in the coming days meant becoming the enemy of the whole jungle. Whether it was YN's army or the assassins and mercenaries hiding in the jungle, none would let him go. What he would face next were the creatures of the entire jungle.

Through the trees, the fragmented moonlight fell on the ground. With a flash of blade, a snake was pinned to a tree. Blood seeped from the snake onto the ground. Xiao Yun pulled back the Dragon Tooth dagger, glanced at the snake corpse on the ground and commented, "Quite fat." He shook his head, muttering to himself, "I probably can't afford this luxury."

The most terrifying things in the jungle aren't the assassins or mercenaries, but the wild beasts and venomous creatures living there. They are the true masters of this land. Here, every year, the number of people that die at the hands of wild animals easily exceeds three digits.

Animals are extraordinarily sensitive to the scent of blood, especially in the darkness of the night. I can’t stay here any longer, I need to find a new place to rest. Picking up the dagger, under the moonlight, Xiao Yun starts moving toward the distant place. In this place, I cannot afford to slack off for a single moment, only when I leave this place, can I truly relax.

Xiao Fan knows clearly, tonight, will be a rare peaceful day spent here.

A hefty bounty will surely set off these blood-thirsty guys. For personal gain, these guys won’t have any bottom line. And if I am to get out of here, I will inevitably have to go through them.

Perhaps, at present, on the borderline, YN's military is under curfew, and around the borderline, I fear there are numerous assassins and mercenaries waiting for their chance.

At this time, my homeland won't provide any assistance. Disobeying orders in the battlefield, conducting cross-border operations, each accusation is enough to turn me into a criminal.

However, if I must die, I’d rather die in my homeland. What’s the point of dying in a foreign country?

As dawn approached the next day, the mercenaries and assassins in this terrain have begun to stir.

Xiao Yun, all alone, with his trusty dragon dagger charging forward, a day of bloody battles, countless people slain, this one-day killing spree almost equals the total people he's killed over the past few years.

After one day of continuous fighting, Xiao Yun broke through the defenses of the assassins and the mercenaries.

Another night passed, and the borderline is in sight. Next, the adversary Xiao Yun has to face, is YN’s military - the county that boasts about having the world’s powerful land force, that he now gets a chance to witness.

Alone with a single dagger, the so-called impregnable defense and the world's most powerful army became a laughing stock.

At twilight, Xiao Yun took a step forward, finally entering his homeland's territory. Kneeling on the ground, Xiao Yun cheered loudly.

That night, he was whisked away by the border’s stationed forces and was rushed towards the capital city overnight.

Upon returning to the capital, Xiao Yun was arrested.

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